Hang Drum User Agreement

This Hang Drum Service Usage Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between you (referred to as "User") and Hang Drum when registering and using the software.

I. Important Notice

  1. Users must carefully read (minors should read under the guidance of a guardian) and fully understand all the terms of this Agreement. Unless users accept this Agreement, they should immediately cease the registration and usage activities.

  2. By clicking the "Agree" button during the registration process, users indicate complete acceptance of all terms under this Agreement.

  3. Upon successful registration, Hang Drum will provide each user with an account and corresponding password. Users are responsible for safeguarding their account and password; any unauthorized use of the account and password is the user's legal responsibility.

II. Service Content

  1. Hang Drum provides specific services based on actual circumstances, such as course learning, practice song library, etc.

  2. Certain services provided by Hang Drum (e.g., course purchases, song library access) are chargeable. Users need to pay a specified fee to Hang Drum for using these chargeable services. Hang Drum will provide clear prompts to users before usage. Users can only access these chargeable services after confirming their willingness to pay the associated fees. If users refuse to pay, Hang Drum has the right to deny access to these services.

  3. Users understand that Hang Drum only provides software-related services. Users are responsible for their devices (such as phones, personal computers, and other devices related to internet or mobile network access) and associated costs (e.g., phone bills, internet fees).

  4. Users agree that Hang Drum can use user information obtained through the service, including but not limited to displaying on leaderboards, allowing other users to view user profiles such as avatars, names, voice recordings, and other personal details.

III. User Usage Rules

  1. After successful registration, users have the right to use Hang Drum's software functions to share and communicate with other users, including course learning, instructional posts, song performances, and sharing other content of interest.

  2. Users have the right to use Hang Drum's personal homepage, upload photos, and share personal information.

  3. Users must comply with relevant national laws and regulations when using Hang Drum. Content must not include information falling under the following categories:

    a) Against the fundamental principles established by the constitution; b) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, undermining national unity; c) Harming the honor and interests of the country; d) Inciting ethnic hatred, discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity; e) Violating state religious policies, promoting cults and feudal superstitions; f) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability; g) Spreading obscene, pornographic, gambling, violent, murderous, terrorist, or inciting criminal content; h) Insulting or defaming others, infringing on the legitimate rights of others; i) Contains false, harmful, coercive, privacy-invading, harassing, infringing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise morally objectionable content; j) Contains content restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, rules, and any other normative documents with legal effect; k) Contains content that Hang Drum deems detrimental to its operation.

  4. Users must be aware of the usage rules; Hang Drum is for personal communication, learning, and appreciation, and not for commercial purposes. Users cannot use the service for selling information or performances, conducting surveys, advertisements, or any other commercial purposes.

  5. Users guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of the information they publish and disseminate while using Hang Drum. Users must not spread rumors or make statements that deviate from the truth and may cause discomfort to others.

  6. Users guarantee not to publish or disseminate information that infringes on intellectual property rights while using Hang Drum.

  7. In the event of the behaviors listed in 3-6 above, users bear all legal responsibilities for violations and infringements. If such actions cause any losses to Hang Drum, Hang Drum has the right to claim rights against the responsible user. Additionally, Hang Drum has the right to terminate services for users engaged in illegal, infringing, or violating activities. If government or judicial authorities request Hang Drum to disclose specific information about users involved in infringing activities, Hang Drum has the right to disclose user information in accordance with prevailing laws.

  8. Users agree that Hang Drum has the right to display various commercial advertisements or any other type of commercial information in various ways during the provision of services. Users also agree to receive promotional emails or other related commercial information from Hang Drum.

IV. Service Changes, Interruption, or Termination

  1. Due to the special nature of the service, users agree that Hang Drum has the right to change, interrupt, or terminate part or all of the services (including chargeable and free services). For changes, interruptions, or terminations related to free services, Hang Drum is not obligated to notify users and is not responsible for any consequences. For changes, interruptions, or terminations related to chargeable services, Hang Drum should notify users in advance and provide affected users with equivalent alternative chargeable services. If users refuse to accept alternative chargeable services, Hang Drum should refund the remaining service fee after deducting the corresponding service fee based on the user's actual usage of the service.

  2. Users understand that Hang Drum may need to periodically or irregularly inspect or maintain the platform or related devices that provide services. Hang Drum is not responsible for any interruptions of chargeable services caused by these circumstances but will make reasonable efforts to provide prior notice.

  3. Hang Drum has the right to immediately interrupt or terminate the provision of services to users under the following circumstances:

    a) User-provided personal information is untrue; b) Users violate the usage rules specified in this Agreement; c) Users fail to pay the required service fees for chargeable services; d) Events such as natural disasters make it impossible for Hang Drum to operate.

  4. If a user's registered free service account has not been used in any consecutive 90 days, or a user's registered chargeable service account has not been used within 180 days after the service period ends, Hang Drum has the right to delete the account and cease providing related services to the user.

  5. If a user's registered free account nickname violates laws, regulations, or national policy requirements, or infringes on any third-party legitimate rights, Hang Drum has the right to revoke the account nickname.

  6. The interpretation of this Agreement belongs to Hang Drum.